Unlock the secrets

We have developed a range of products for different stages in the production lifecycle – each one designed to provide the insight needed to optimise performance and amplify creativity.

These products enable entertainment professionals across the production lifecycle – studios, streamers, production companies, creators, financiers, marketers, distributors and exhibitors – to make better informed decisions at each stage of the process.

Decisions informed by real knowledge and true understanding of the audience.

Our product suite

  • Develop

    Understand the potential value of existing IP and make better-informed decisions regarding the next remake, sequel or franchise.

  • Evolve

    Leverage in-depth intelligence across the production lifecycle, ensuring the viewing experience is fully aligned to the creators’ intent and commercially viable in the market.

  • Predict

    Define the potential market value of your content and maximise return on investment by adopting the most appropriate sales, marketing and distribution strategy.

  • Connect

    Understand who your audience segments are and how to reach engage and convert them effectively.

Whatever your role across the film or TV production lifecycle, Dragonfly can help…

Acquisition &

Better decisions are made with better information.

Production &

Understand what your audience actually thinks.

Marketing &

Reach, engage and convert effectively.

This is Insight. Evolved.

If you would like to learn more about any of our products, please contact